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Purchasing travel management

Purchasing a business travel concept is a complex process. We understand that your organization’s needs play a vital role, and we can help you navigate the complexities.

The purchasing process

Schiphol Travel is part of Travel Leaders, one of the largest business travel organizations worldwide. With more than 52,000 colleagues, 7,000 offices and an annual turnover of more than 12 billion euros, the group has enormous purchasing power. Based on this, we can give your organization a full guarantee on all rates. Nevertheless, total volume is not a pivotal factor in determining our purchase price.

Total cost of ownership

Determining the price of an airline ticket is highly dependent on the use of concepts such as Smart Ticketing and Global Fare Brokerage. These concepts are in turn highly dependent on the travel consultant’s experience and education, and the tools they work with. In general, the higher the consultant’s level of education and the more experience they have, the higher the savings will be. It is therefore important for you as a buyer to pay particular attention to the ticket prices available and not only at the brokerage fee, which is typically lower than the potential savings.

The aforementioned concepts come into their own when online bookings are checked separately by your company’s permanent Account Manager. In many cases, the permanent Account Manager will be able to offer bookings with these concepts at more competitive prices and will also be able to provide active guidance regarding your company’s travel policy. It is therefore important to include ticket prices as well as transaction costs in the tendering process.

Another important element is the management and efficiency of the application, approval, and booking process. Schiphol Travel can help your company with effective tools that seamlessly link to your company’s internal systems.

Finally, Schiphol Travel not provides guidance regarding your company’s travel policy, we also offer insight into cost awareness among managers through active videos. These videos show managers at every level of the organization which travelers are traveling out of policy, the reason for this, and the costs involved. This helps increase cost awareness, and together we aim for a lower average ticket value within your organization. High-quality insight helps foster this awareness.

With the right tools, we can significantly reduce the average ticket value within your organization. It is important to include the intended development of average ticket values in the tendering process. As an organization, we specialize in reducing your average ticket value. Lower ticket prices and a decrease in the average ticket value via the above methods almost always exceed the total brokerage fee we ask for.

Groundbreaking reporting with Video Reporting

With these videos we show managers at all levels of the organization which travelers are traveling out of policy, why and what costs are involved. In this way we increase cost awareness and together we steer towards a lower average ticket value within your organization. Awareness grows through extremely good access.

With the right tools, we can significantly reduce the average ticket value within your organization. It is important to include the intended development of average ticket values ​​in the tendering process.

As an organization, we are specialized in lowering your average ticket value. The lower ticket prices and the decrease in the average ticket value using the above methods are in almost all cases much higher than the total brokerage fee that we charge.